Kindly Note it “Eminent Investment Advisors(SEBI Reg.No.INA000010104)” do not Provide any Profit sharing/Loss Sharing Services, Guaranteed Profit Services and The Services Which are Not Listed On Our Website, Investment in the Stocks, Commodity and Currency Market is Subject Matter of Risk, We suggest you to Evaluate your own Credit risk before opting any of Our Services”.We do not provide any account opening or Dmat services.Eminent Research neither provide portfolio management Services nor Trading or Order place behalf of clients

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Eminent Research is one of the fastest growing companies in financial markets research and is looking for dynamic, talented and skilled individuals who can take up new challenges and have passion.

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To make sure that our employees not only have great jobs, but great lives. We are continually searching for and recruiting new talent around. Our top priorities are “innovation”,”self-development”,and “Team spirit".
